

  • Union types in TypeScript allow you to define a variable that can contain multiple types.
  • This feature increases flexibility while maintaining type safety.
  • Below, key aspects of union types are explained in bullet points along with coding examples
  1. Definition of Union Types

    • Syntax: A union type is defined using the pipe (|) symbol to separate multiple types.
      let variable: string | number; // This variable can be either a string or a number.
  2. Assigning Values to Union Types

    • You can assign values of any of the specified types to a union type variable.
      let code: string | number;
      code = 123; // Valid: number
      code = "ABC"; // Valid: string
      // code = true; // Error: Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'string | number'.
  3. Union Types in Function Parameters

    • Union types can be used as parameter types in functions, allowing for more flexible function signatures.
      function printId(id: string | number) {
      console.log(`ID is: ${id}`);

      printId("abc"); // Outputs: ID is: abc
      printId(123); // Outputs: ID is: 123

  4. Using Union Types with Literal Types

    • You can create union types that include specific literal values, enhancing type safety.
      type Status = "success" | "failure";

      function printStatus(status: Status) {
      console.log(`Status is: ${status}`);

      printStatus("success"); // Valid
      // printStatus("error"); // Error: Argument of type '"error"' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Status'.
  5. Union Types with Custom Types

    • You can define union types using custom types or interfaces.
      interface Dog {
      bark(): void;

      interface Cat {
      meow(): void;

      type Pet = Dog | Cat;

      function makeSound(pet: Pet) {
      if ("bark" in pet) {
      pet.bark(); // TypeScript knows pet is a Dog here.
      } else {
      pet.meow(); // TypeScript knows pet is a Cat here.
  6. Discriminated Unions

    • A discriminated union uses a common property (discriminator) to differentiate between types within the union.
      type NetworkLoadingState = { state: "loading" };
      type NetworkFailedState = { state: "failed"; code: number };
      type NetworkSuccessState = { state: "success"; response: object };
      type NetworkState = NetworkLoadingState | NetworkFailedState | NetworkSuccessState;

      function handleNetworkState(state: NetworkState) {
      switch (state.state) {
      case "loading":
      case "failed":
      console.log(`Failed with code ${state.code}`);
      case "success":
      console.log("Success!", state.response);
  7. Limitations of Union Types

    • While union types provide flexibility, you must handle each possible type appropriately to avoid runtime errors.
      function printLength(value: string | number) {
      // console.log(value.length); // Error: Property 'length' does not exist on type 'number'.
      if (typeof value === "string") {
      console.log(value.length); // Safe to use length property here.


  • Union types in TypeScript are a powerful feature that allows variables and function parameters to accept multiple types, increasing flexibility while maintaining type safety.
  • When you understand how to effectively define and use union types, you can write more robust and maintainable TypeScript code.