

  • Enums in TypeScript are a powerful feature that allows you to define a set of named constants, making your code more readable and maintainable.
  • They can represent a group of related values, such as states, directions, or categories.
  • Below are the key aspects of enums in TypeScript, explained in bullet points with coding examples.
  1. Definition of Enums

    • Basic Syntax: Enums are defined using the enum keyword followed by the name of the enum and its members enclosed in curly braces.
      enum Direction {
  2. Numeric Enums

    • Default Numeric Enums: By default, enums start at 0 and increment by 1 for each subsequent member.
      enum CardinalDirections {
      North, // 0
      East, // 1
      South, // 2
      West // 3
    • Initialized Numeric Enums: You can specify the starting value for an enum.
      enum CardinalDirections {
      North = 1, // Starts from 1
      East, // 2
      South, // 3
      West // 4
    • Fully Initialized Numeric Enums: You can assign specific values to each member.
      enum StatusCodes {
      NotFound = 404,
      Success = 200,
      Accepted = 202,
      BadRequest = 400

      console.log(StatusCodes.NotFound); // Outputs: 404
  3. String Enums

    • String enums allow you to define enums with string values ​​instead of numeric values. This is often preferred for readability.
      enum CardinalDirections {
      North = "North",
      East = "East",
      South = "South",
      West = "West"

      console.log(CardinalDirections.North); // Outputs: "North"
  4. Heterogeneous Enums

    • Mixing Types: You can mix string and numeric values ​​in an enum, although this is generally not recommended for clarity.
      enum MixedEnum {
      No = "No",
      Yes = "Yes",
      Maybe = 2 // Numeric value mixed with strings
  5. Reverse Mapping:

    • Accessing Enum Members: Numeric enums support reverse mapping, which allows you to get the name of an enum member from its value.
      enum CardinalDirections {
      North = 1,

      console.log(CardinalDirections[1]); // Outputs: "North"
    • Limitations with String Enums: String enums do not support reverse mapping because their values ​​are not unique.
      enum CardinalDirections {
      North = "North",
      East = "East"

      // console.log(CardinalDirections["North"]); // Error: Cannot access string enums this way.
  6. Computed and Constant Members

    • Constant Members: These are initialized with constant expressions that can be evaluated at compile time.
      const constantValue = 10;

      enum ExampleEnum {
      A = constantValue, // Error: computed value must be constant.
      B = constantValue + 5 // Error: computed value must be constant.
  7. Ambient Enums

    • Ambient Enums: These are used to describe the shape of an existing enum that is defined elsewhere (eg in a library).
      declare enum AmbientEnum {


  • Enums in TypeScript provide a way to create named constants that improve code clarity and maintainability.
  • By understanding how to effectively define and use numeric and string enumerations, you can more effectively manage sets of related values ​​in your TypeScript applications.
  • Whether you choose numeric or string enums depends on your specific use case and the readability requirements of your code.